up2us movement
It is UP2US to become the best versions of ourselves…

Here are some pro tips for you
First find a quiet spot in nature or in your house to do your practice.
Light a candle or incense to create a sacred space.
If you are able to be in nature, take your shoes off & ground yourself into the Earth.
Tune in with gratitude
— who is 1 person you are grateful for
— what is 1 thing you’re grateful for
— what is 1 place you are grateful for?
3 Breaths to Practice Daily :
Coherent Breathing
Benefits: Balances the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system.
Body Posture: Standing, laying down, knees, cross legged,friends pose.
To practice the Coherent breathing technique:
1. Exhale slowly through your nostrils
2. Inhale through your nose for 6 seconds
3. Exhale through your nose for 6 seconds
4. Repeat 27 times inhale and exhale being one breath
Lifting Clouds
Benefits: Brings your awareness to the present moment.
Body Posture: Cross legged, knees, friends pose.
To practice the Lifting Clouds breathing technique:
1. Bring your left and right pinky and ring finger together palms facing up two inches below vour belly button
2. Inhale through your nose and lift your hands up in front of you and continue until they are above your head
3. Exhale through your mouth, allow your hands to release out and down
4. Repeat 10x
Straw Breath
Benefits: Draws new energy into the body and releases static energy.
Body Posture: Perfect between a transition of tasks.
To practice the Straw Breath breathing technique:
1. Exhale through your nose fully
2. Inhale through pursed lips like you are drinking through a straw. Breathing into your entire body. Front to back, left to right and down to up
3. Exhale through pursed lips fully
4. Repeat 10x
Benefits of Breath:
Destress to lower cortisol levels, release anxiety and depression. This teaches you how to deal with difficult emotions and master your impulses.
How does breathwork destress you?
Stress is your body's reaction to an external experience, something that you feel you have no power over or control. When your body is in a state ofstress it releases cortisol into the bloodstream which speeds up your heart beat.
A more rapid heart beat makes you breathe shallow, the muscles get tense and the blood pressure rises, the blood in your body is sent to your extremities so that you can take emergency action.
Embodiment Practices:
— Dancing : put on a vibe🎶
— Shaking: shake for 2-5 mins allowing yourself to let go of what no longer serves you, envisioning it being released from your body
— Wooo Haaa movement practice
— 5 Tibetan Rites
Grounding is one of the most important things you can learn how to do. Being connected to mother Gaia allows you to release or neutralize trapped emotions.
Bring in antioxidants through your feet, and as the mystics would say, bring your soul back into the body so that you can be present with life.
In Western culture, I recommend we practice pyramid pose, or sphinx pose, which means your feet are firmly planted on the ground while sitting on a chair. This will allow us to bring energy from the Earth up through our legs and we can utilize different styles of grounding chords depending upon the moment and how we're feeling to connect our energetic root to the Earth.
The more grounded that we are, the higher we can raise our vibration and connect to our soul's signature.
Sit in silence for at least 5-10 mins daily
Repeat mantra: I am here now in this
Listen to this when meditating: